True Stories of Cowgirl Courage with Mary Fichtner
Inspiring, true stories of brave women who have overcome pain to find purpose. Courage is contagious and you will catch some from these real-life tales of ordinary women who have been through extraordinary hardships. Cowgirl is a spirit, an attitude, and a life lived with conviction, faith, and intention. Brought to you by Mary Fichtner, these heart-felt stories are intended to fill yours and encourage you to live each day with courage because behind every strong woman is a story of courage.
True Stories of Cowgirl Courage with Mary Fichtner
Being Trusted Enough to Fail and Dealing with Anxiety with Sequoyah Branham
Learning she was trusted helped Sequoyah Branham with anxiety and knowing she could fail and all would be okay. At the young age of 20, she is running a ranch and writing novels from her experiences of loss, learning to deal with anxiety and overcoming fear. In her own words, "Some days you just got to slap on some lipstick and tell your anxiety to shut up! It won't listen the first time though. So you will have to tell it again."
Her novel "In the Company of Cows" includes Scardy-cat horses, family relationships, social anxiety, and disenfranchised guilt. It will be released October 24!
Order your copy or go to her website
So get your lipstick on and lean into the wind with Sequoyah.
Listen here!