True Stories of Cowgirl Courage with Mary Fichtner
Inspiring, true stories of brave women who have overcome pain to find purpose. Courage is contagious and you will catch some from these real-life tales of ordinary women who have been through extraordinary hardships. Cowgirl is a spirit, an attitude, and a life lived with conviction, faith, and intention. Brought to you by Mary Fichtner, these heart-felt stories are intended to fill yours and encourage you to live each day with courage because behind every strong woman is a story of courage.
True Stories of Cowgirl Courage with Mary Fichtner
Life Changing Decisions and the Best Life Hack gifted to Prairie Wife in Heels aka Cathy Holman
Meet Cathy and hear her many stories of overcoming and how she has used her hardships to her benefit. A city girl gone country all for the love of a cowboy! You will love her best "life hack!" as a tool for you to use in your own life. You can follow Prairie Wife in Heels on Facebook (PrairieWifeInHeels) and Instagram (PrairieHeels)
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